Offline registry tools and password resetter
This tool requires a 2nd computer to download and create a bootcd, there are no further requirements.
The download can be found at -
Download size is about 3 MB, which is quite small and makes this method recomendable
Once the CD is created the userinit affected computer needs to be started with this CD.
After the boot procedure has been completed, the system asks for the boot partition.
Usually the choice would be "1".
In my example it is "2".
1. After that the path to the registry is asked. By default the correct path is already given, so this can be accepted by pressing the enter key.
2. Next choose "2" : RecoveryConsole parameters [software]
3. On the next prompt choose "9" Registry editor
4. The system now enters a bash console like navigation for the Software key of the Registry.
Following commands may be helpful:
note that Names are case sensitive
ls - will list the current key contents
cd <$keyname> - will open the key given in <$keyname>
cd .. - will go up one layer of the key structure
ed <$valuename> - will open prompt to edit the value specified in <$valuename>
So entering:
cd Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Will lead you to the required location.
5. The command ls will list the contents.
6. Now enter the required Data for the Userinit Value:
for Windows XP
for Windows 2000
7. With the following command the Data of the Userinint Value can be confirmed:
8. If the data is correct you can now enter q to quit the registry editor mode.
Enter q again to exit the Software Hive.
You will now be prompted to save, enter y to save.
9. After that a prompt for a new run appears, enter n for no.
10.Reboot normally and log on to Windows.
Then install Avast or any other good antivirus and run a full system scan at boot.